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Monday, March 23, 2009

sports day
i woke up early in the morning to change to my pr attire to prepare for the sports day.when i finish changing and washing my face. i check my bag to make sure that i have bring everything i need.Yes!!My father was prepared to take me to the stadium.when my father driove me the stadium, i saw the people from my school walking to the stadium. when i just step in the stadium, i saw the stadium was so crowded and my friends parents has came to support tham.''200m runner please come forward''the teacher annouced.i was so nervous to run at the stadium because i am taking part in 200m.i walk down to the stadium,many of the fast runners has came down too.Finally, i reach the stadium,i was so nervous to run.''Beep!''i ran my fastest as i could i am reaching the finishing line.samebody chased me ahh i am now4th .Too bad i did not get prize for the sports day.

SLAMit.DUNKit 7:53 PM